Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Insert The Potty Dance Here

Four times yesterday Addison peed on the potty!
Charlotte peed once. They were so excited. They danced around and kept smiling, pointing to their potty's. It was so funny.
I had no plan of trying to potty train any time soon. Addison started doing this all on her own. We bought the potty's a while back so they could used to seeing them and get comfortable with them. I guess it's working.
Yea Charlotte!
Yea Addison!
And yes this is the actual pee pee. One proud mommy here!


Kate said...

That's wonderful that they took an interest! They are so cute too! Yay for girls!

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I've heard that girls are easier than boys to potty train and that they often train themselves. My niece trained herself. Makes me REALLY glad that I only have one boy!

Stephanie said...

Yippee! I'm going to use these pictures to show Vivian - she has regressed in her potty training and could use a little "peer pressure!" You go girls!

Lottie_Ellie said...

Congratulations! Here to hoping they keep going strong.

Shannon said...

I AM SOOO JEALOUS!! I think Ella has peed once but Grace never has. They just fight with each other over who gets to sit on the potty. I guess I should break down and get another one. Sam only uses the seats that go on the toilet so Ihave one of those in every bathroom! COngrats!

jenni anne said...

yay! what smart little cookies you have! tonight before bath time i put rosella on our little potty, but she kept shaking her head, saying "no". then she got up, walked over to me, and peed on my leg. no joke. bad puppy.

Debra said...

Woohoo!!!! That is GREAT!! I am truly looking forward to being diaper free in this home in 19 months. SO looking forward to ending my (what will be then) 10 yr relationship with diapers.

Claremont First Ward said...

One word: WOW!

Casey's trio said...

You go girls! The interest in our house comes and goes...

Connie said...

Rock on girlies!!!

familyof6 said...

Ughhhhh...I dread potty training!! Looks like you are off to a great start though!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm both together, one sucks me while I eat the other one's pussy then they switch

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes have them piss in my mouth and I drink straight from their bald c--ts, lick them while I finger f--k em in the arse, c--k in the arse real soon both my 2 got it at 4, nice n tight at that age not all the way in but about 3 or 4"

Anonymous said...

Addison has a lovelypussy mum please send more pics and some video of her nkd

Anonymous said...

Hey, if anyone wants to trade cute pics or videos of little girls (0-12 years) or little boys (0-10 years), message me on telegram


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You Post Pic's Like This You Get What You Get!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum

Anonymous said...

Fuk yes

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Insert potty dance? I've got something I'd like to insert into Addison!

Anonymous said...

애기 보지안에 자지넣어보고 싶다

Anonymous said...

As a little girl that was fucked by her daddy it is amazing to have daddies cock inside at a young age, so can anyone come rape/kidnap me and my sister ages 12 and 5

Anonymous said...

Nice tight pussy

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...