Monday, May 12, 2008

Poppy's on Mother's Day

My great idea for Mother's Day was to take a drive out to the Poppy Reserves. A family picnic surrounded by beautiful flowers sounded like fun to me. The California Poppy Reserve is only a 20 minute drive from our house yet I have never been there. I have seen pictures and was just blown away by the beauty of the poppy fields.
Well...beside the fact that we were about two weeks late of the peak bloom, there were about 40 mph winds to deal with. Not ideal for a picnic. So we ate our sandwiches in the back of our car, picnic style. Which basically gave the girls free range to crawl all over the car, one of their favorite things to do while we ate and laughed at the hilarity of our adventure. My parents had come along on our adventure so it was very cramped in the back of our Suburban.

Here is what it is supposed to look like

Here is what it did look like

We did manage to find a VERY small piece of hillside that had a few flowers left for us to enjoy.

They really enjoyed the bugs that were crawling around under the flowers.

Trying to get a pic with the girls. Notice our hair :)

I LOVE this place!!!!


Connie said...

That is AWESOME!! That pic of you guys in the not blooming field made me laugh out loud!!! It sounds like a fun day!!!

Laura said...

I have this happen all the time to my adventures. What I find is that we all seem to have a good time laughing and those memories of the not so perfect days are never forgotten. By the way, I still love the photos! Happy Mother's Day!

Jocasta said...

They look great and you look like you had fun anyway. Love the pic of the girls running - so cute!

Lala said...

That last photo is FANTASTIC! Its like the sound of music!I could just sing it now... "The hills are alive with the sound of the Liete Twins!"

Happy Belated Mom's Day!

Kate said...

Hey, even the few flowers you DID find made for some BEAUTIFUL pictures. And the last one is precious. I love those candid shots that just capture a special moment!

Kim said...

It looks like you still had a fun time. I loved the pictures!!

Shannon said...

Looks like you had a great time, blooming fields or not. i adore that last photo. Its a keeper for sure! Glad you had a nice mother's day.

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh, those CA poppys are still gorgeous even after their peak.......and the pictures are so great......despite the WIND! Happy Mother's Day!

Tracy said...

our family has had a few trips that have not turned out as planned - but it usually involves cursing - so I was inspired by your trip.
my girls LOVE to crawl around in the car too - funny!

Casey's trio said...

How funny that you were 2 weeks late to see the blooming flowers. I give you an A for effort though. Love the pic of the girls runnin' wild:)

Lottie_Ellie said...

The looks like a gorgeous day. The girls look so gleefully happy. What a special day.

Cookie said...

Those pics make me want to taek a field trip to your place!
And I love the 50 favorite things post too :)

Kellan said...

This picture of your girls on the road is PRECIOUS!!!!! I have a bunch of favorite pictures of my twins, but my MOST favorite ones of all are like this - where they are walking or running away from the camera or it is just of their backs - they are priceless and say so much. I BELIEVE this picture will become one of your all time favorites - it is PRICELESS and says so much about the day - about you - about their twinship - I LOVE IT!! What a great day!

Take care and have a good weekend - Kellan

Cecily R said...

And I LOVE that last shot!! It's PERFECT.

Sounds like even though the flowers weren't as spectacular as you wanted them to be, the outing was a spectacular success.

Happy Very Late Mother's Day!!!

Debra said...

That looks like SO much fun, despite the lack of flowers ;-)

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

Hey, thanks for visiting my blog and for the encouragement. I think you look like you had fun, and the pictures came out wonderful despite the circumstances. I really enjoy4ed going back on your blog. I will add you to my blogroll! Have a great week!