Sunday, March 27, 2011

Has It Really 5 Been Years?

Dear Charlotte and Addison,

I hope you weren't disappointed this morning when you woke up and realized that you weren't actually 'a lot' bigger than you were yesterday when you went to sleep. Not sure what gave you the idea that turning 5 turns you into a 'big' girl. Apparently using scissors is allowed at 5 years old and you think you need to wear make up when you go to a birthday party.
All of this behavior is unacceptable to your mommy and daddy. You are still our little girls. You are to stop growing, never use scissors, and definitely not wear makeup ever.

Sincerely, Mommy and Daddy

How can you possibly be 5?
I surely don't feel 5 years older.
And I certainly don't look 5 years older.
This has been the fastest 5 years of my life.
I'd freeze you right now if I could.

Some of my favorite things about you two right now...

You would wear a dress everyday if we let you
You are loving school and love your friends from school
You use 'seriously/serious' a lot and it makes me smile
You can write your name all by your self,
and people can actually read it
You LOVE your cousins to pieces
You praise my cooking almost every dinner,
I love cooking for you
You love to say Grace at dinner and you have the
most sincere blessings, makes my heart melt
You still want to dress the same
You love to dress up in my shoes and clothes
You ask to go to the mall to just walk around and look at things
Sushi is your favorite food
But Charlotte also favors corn dogs
and Addison chow mein and panda bear (orange) chicken
You love pretend cell phones and have VERY in depth
conversations with friends on them
You like telling everyone what your mommy and daddy do for work
You are obsessed with having long hair,
I swear you'd measure it if you could
You love having your nails painted
You love playing tball
but I think you would like to wear a tutu over you uniform
Daddy is teaching you to break dance and you are both naturals

I still cannot believe that you are mine some days.
I very so lucky to have been given the chance to be your mommy.
You are my biggest accomplishment.
You make so many people smile everyday.
Your giggles alone quite possibly could start world peace.

Happy Happy birthday my sweet baby girls.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Way Back When-esday

I'm adding a lil twist to way back today,
Hope Cheryl doesn't mind :)

This picture was taken the first time my girls
met their 'future husbands'. :)
A fellow pair of MoMo babies.
The sparks were far from flying I might add.
Angie and I had to seriously bribe them
to even stand next to each other.
Taken May 9, 2009
Both sets of twins were 3 years old.

This time around we didn't have to bribe at
them with anything.
They grabbed on and hugged like long time friends.
I just adore these boys.
Taken March 2, 2011
The boys are 5 and my girls are 4.

How stinkin' cute are they?

For more Way Back's head over to


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wordful Wednesday

Wordful Wednesday is like Wordless Wednesday,
only WITH words.
It’s for those of us that can’t contain the chatter,
but in a good way.

My girls and cell phones.
And it doesn't matter if they are real or fake.
Every birthday and Christmas
an iphone is on the top of the list.

And for the record that is not going to happen.

But in the mean time, these will have to do...
Can you tell which ones are real????

Head on over to Angie's and Amanda's
for more fun!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Funny Ph(F)rases Friday

Two weeks in a row,
it's a miracle :)

Driving in the car

Charlotte: 'Mommy did you know that god made
all the people different?
Like he made different hair kinds, different colors,
different skinny, and gave them different cars.
But he made me and my sister the same
cuz we were extra special.
And cuz we are twins.
Did you know that mommy?'
Me: I sure did (smiling)

Playing with my hair

Addison: You have a line right there
(as she points to my forehead wrinkle)
Me: It's called a wrinkle.
Addison: What's a wrinkle?
Me: Lines you get when you get old
(said with a grimace look on my face)
Addison: Ahhhh momma.
(and she hugs me)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wordful Wednesday

Wordful Wednesday is like Wordless Wednesday,
only WITH words.
It’s for those of us that can’t contain the chatter,
but in a good way.
Anyone seen my toothbrush.
I think I might have something in my tooth...

Head on over to Angie's and Amanda's
for more fun!!