Monday, June 21, 2010

Super BIker

Addison has mastered her bike without training wheels!!
She loves to ride any time she can.
Today she rode to swim lessons and back which is a good mile each way.
Charlotte followed along racing on her scooter.
She is getting really good on her scooter.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wordful Wednesday

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us
that like to showcase a photo(s)
but that just can’t seem keep our mouths shut about it (them).Anyone in need of a three piece band?

For more WW head on over to Angie's Circus.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wordful Wednesday

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us
that like to showcase a photo(s)
but that just can’t seem keep our mouths shut about it (them).

We were lucky to have a slumber party
at Great Grandma's house a few weeks ago.

I think the girls favorite part was making
breakfast with G-Grandma.

With banging on Great Grandpa's drums a close second :)

First there was one...
And then there were two.So cute.
One last lump check from GG.

I have so many wonderful memories
with my grandma growing up.
I hope my girls will cherish the memories
they create as much as I do mine.

For more WW head on over to Angie's Circus.

Monday, June 7, 2010

3 years ago...

History repeated itself last week.
3 years ago Addison was hospitalized with pneumonia for 4 days.
Last week Charlotte was hospitalized with pneumonia for 4 days.
She was such a trooper thru it all.
It was a rough 4 days.
12 hours in the ER.
3 sleep interrupted nights.
5 IV pokes.
and 2 very sad little girls that did
not want to be separated from each other.

Sleeping in the ER with daddy.
Around 4 am.
Getting a breathing treatment.
Showing off her ET thumb.
Sister's first visit.
Ventured out to the playroom on day three.
Mommy had to wear the nasal canula too.
Addison was giving us shots.
Wagon rides up and down the hallway.
On room air.
Waiting to see if we can go home.

The girls were so happy to be back together again at home.
Thanks to everyone who prayed for our Beanie to get better.
She is almost completely back to herself,
sass and all.