History repeated itself last week.
3 years ago Addison was hospitalized with pneumonia for 4 days.
Last week Charlotte was hospitalized with pneumonia for 4 days.
She was such a trooper thru it all.
It was a rough 4 days.
12 hours in the ER.
3 sleep interrupted nights.
5 IV pokes.
and 2 very sad little girls that did
not want to be separated from each other.
Sleeping in the ER with daddy.
Around 4 am.
Getting a breathing treatment.
Showing off her ET thumb.
Sister's first visit.
Ventured out to the playroom on day three.
Mommy had to wear the nasal canula too.
Addison was giving us shots.
Wagon rides up and down the hallway.
On room air.
Waiting to see if we can go home.
The girls were so happy to be back together again at home.
Thanks to everyone who prayed for our Beanie to get better.
She is almost completely back to herself,
sass and all.