Monday, April 28, 2008

Mother's Day Photo Contest

5 Minutes For Mom is holding an amazing photo contest. She is taking submissions in the form of photos of what motherhood means to you. And the winner will get $1000.00. Can you say WOW?!?! It is being sponsored by Egg Beaters. WTG Egg Beaters!

Here is my entry
This is a picture of my mom holding my Addison. My sweet girl was hospitalized on her first birthday with RSV & double pnemonia. I never felt more vulnerable in my life. There was nothing we could do but hold her and surround her with love. Usually that is enough to suffice, but for some reason it didn't seem enough at that time.

I Scream, You Scream

We all scream for ice cream.

I think it's quite obvious that I am a first time mom about certain things...One being that my girls enjoyed their first ice cream cone at 25 months. They have had one or two licks along the way but never anything more. I just figure that while I can control their sugar intake I will :) Maybe a few more ice creams will help them climb up that ladder in the weight percentage category. At two years old they are just teetering in the 3rd and 5th percentile for weight. However they fall into the 70th percentile for height. I will quote a good momo friend (Jenni Anne) here when I say "I love my super skinny (tall) girls"


Friday, April 25, 2008

Dirt & Bruises

Last Friday Tony decided to take a sick day (shhh...don't tell his boss) since I was off work. We always have our nanny on Fridays whether I work or not since we have to pay her anyways. If I am not working I usually use that time to get errands done that can get done A LOT faster not having to tote around two cute little toddlers with you. But on this grand Friday we used the day to have some good old fashioned adult fun. (Not that kinda fun) We took out the dirt bikes & quads and went out riding. Tony has had a dirt bike for some time now and we had bought a new quad (well new to me) last summer that I hadn't even taken out yet. So it was my maiden voyage.
We had so much fun. The weather was perfect and since it was a Friday there was hardly anyone around. I did manage to roll my quad over on my leg, which has left quite an attractive bruise. But other than that it was a great day. We wanna take the girls out in a few weeks for the day and see how they like it. I'm assuming they will as they LOVE dirt. Tony wants to get a sand rail that the girls can ride in too.
Here's some pics of the fun!

Pumping up the tires.
Here we come!
Tony & I
Lunch break
My brother & Tony after packing up
My pretty bruise...1 week later.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mind Your Manners

You know you are doing at least somewhat of a good job as a mommy when you hand your 2 year old her juice and she says 'thank you mommy' without being reminded. You are doing an even better job if she smiles at you and says 'bless you mommy' after you sneeze all on her own. Then maybe you take a step down from your mommy throne if you hear her sneeze in the back seat and she tells herself 'bless you' before you have the chance too.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - One way or another

Things To Remember

Time is passing by so fast. You are changing everyday. You two are so alike yet so different. I love how we can tell who you are by your laugh. I want to remember this time. I don't want to forget how you are at this moment. I feel as though these past two years somehow slipped through my fingers. I remember the big things. Your first smile, your first laugh, your first steps but I want to remember how you were at this exact second on this day. I love the little people you are becoming. You both are so incredibly amazing to me. You have enriched my life beyond my wildest dreams and I love you for that.

Is so fearless * Never looks back * Gives chicken peck kisses * Takes your finger when she wants you top follow her * LOVES her daddy * Honestly thinks she is a princess * Will take a strangers hand * Will say hi to passer by's over and over and over * Has the potential to be a supermodel * Loves to watch TV * Makes friends so easily * Gets really sad when sister is mean to her * Will sit in time out with her sister even when she isn't in trouble * Hates to get out of the bath tub * Sings all the time, everything * Loves to make her sister laugh * Usually lets her sister win *

Is very reserved with strangers* Loves her grandpa's * Has quite a temper * Will tattle on herself * Always has to know where mommy is * Is a ham * Has the sweetest dimples * LOVES to play dress up in mommy's shoes * Would be outside all day everyday if possible * Is the BEST sleeper * Makes the cutest kissy face when she cuddles with her blankie * Always gives wet kisses * Is very serious about her boo-boo's * Likes to do things before Charlotte * Makes the best cheese face * Loves to makes her sister laugh * Enjoys hide and seek over and over again *

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I was tagged by Debra.
(Sorry it took me so long to do this)

Here are the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are my Facts:

  • I have three siblings. None of which I share my biological mom & dad. I have a brother from my mom & step dad. Another brother from my dad & step mom. And a step sister from my step dad's previous marriage. Talk about a crazy family.
  • I have a homemade tattoo. Four 16 year girls left home alone with Indian ink and safety pins is not a good combination. I am the only one of the four of us who did not cover theirs up with a 'real' tattoo. I still plan on getting it removed. (Thankfully it is covered by a bathing suit)
  • At one point in my life I had 9 piercings. 2 in one ear, 4 in the other. My nose, my tongue and my belly button. All I have left is my ears now :)
  • Technically I do not have Bachelor's Degree (however I say that I do). I need to take one Spanish class to get the piece of paper...uggg! I did walk in the commencement ceremony though.
  • I was on the water ski team in college. I competed in slalom and wake-boarding.
  • I won an EMMY award for my work on the TV show Smallville. I was the Assistant Music Editor.
  • When I blink the sides of my nose twitch just a tiny bit. Some people have noticed. Now anyone who reads this will surely notice :)

Ok.. so there are some random and rather strange facts about me :-)

I don't have 7 people to tag. But if anyone feels compelled to share some not so normal facts about themselves I will be excited to read them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

One Day It Shall Be Done

Along with all the grandparents, we bought the girls a wooden playset for their birthday. We are heading into day 5 of project 'playset for the girls' and it is still yet to be finished.

End of Day 1 (12 hours worked)

End of day 2 (3 hours worked)
End of day 3 (3 hours worked)

I didn't get a chance to take pictures of last nights progress however there was a lot. We finally have a roof. Yippee. ***Note to future buyers of Adventure Playsets...Go with another brand!!!
There is not one single piece of this playset that came assembled. Not even the slide. He had to build the sides of the slide to the bottom of the slide. Some of you may be thinking I have a very unhandy hubby but that is not the case. He is quite handy. He has met his match. I just hope he wins before summer is over :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Big Red Barn

It all started with a cute little invitation.

The girls are very into animals right now. They love everything about them. So I figured how fun it would be to have a farm themed party. (Secretly I was just excited that I got to pick the theme and we averted a Dora or Elmo party for another year)

The night before I was up till midnight making a cake shaped like a chicken. It took forever but it turned out pretty cute if you don't look too closely.

I also tried my sewing skills and made the girls vests to match their cowgirlie boots I had bought a while back. My mom and I had quite a time trying to get my sewing skills up to par. In the end I think I made her proud.
We decorated the backyard with toy horses and hay bails for people to sit on. We gave out cowboy hats to the girls friends as they came inside to get the festivities underway.

I hid plastic farm animals and eggs under hay and let the kids go crazy and find all the toys. They had a fun time filling their goodie bags
And as the main attraction we had a small petting zoo come for an hour.
All the kids had a really great time. They petting zoo contained mommy and baby goats, sheep, ducks, chickens, and a huge bunny. Charlotte favored the sheep and kept giving him kisses.
Addison was big fan of the bunny.
Here's the finished product of the cake. It even tasted yummy too.
The girls really enjoyed blowing out the candles.
They were extremely spoiled by all their friends and family.

Thank You to everyone who shared this special event with us. The girls really had a great time.

I know I am probably going to regret this extravaganza. I have realized that I got a little outta control...ok a lot outta control. In my defense I only have one birthday a year to celebrate and we were very excited to have made it through the first two years. We feel very blessed to have these two little girls in our family. They have made our lives so rich.

Two Whole Weeks

It sure doesn't feel like two entire weeks have passed since I last posted. The girls birthday took up A LOT of my time and thankfully was a huge success. I will post a special blog about it in the next couple of days. I still can't believe they are 2. Then right after their party we headed off to the Colorado River on a spur of the moment vacation. Also another special post coming your way with all that fun. I am still trying to unpack and we have been home for 3 days...Arg! Every time I think I am ahead of the curve another load of laundry pops up or more toys need to be put away. I promise to get back into the blog world soon. I so missed it. I tried to catch up last night on everyone's last two weeks but I barely got anywhere. We are some busy mom's.