Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wordful Wednesday

Yes this is cheese from a can.
Yes I feed my child cheese from a can.
And yes I was feeding it to her straight from the can.

I'm not sure why she looks so pained.
She was lovin' the easy cheese.
I had to lie and tell them the can was empty.

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Anonymous said...

Aw, what a cutie you have..
I won't lie. I love that stuff too.

Lindsay said...

LOL! Hilarious!

Casey's trio said...

My grandparents used to have that stuff and we LOVED it. The look on her face is pure contentment:)

Claremont First Ward said...

Maybe she looks pained because she knew you were lying to her? j/k. I've never bought Easy Cheese.....I have a feeling it would go over TOO well and there would never be an end to it. :)

Tracy said...

hey - I've been know to give them squirts of whip cream from the can. yummy

Connie said...

You are so funny....I have never eaten spray cheese....and she doesn't look very happy!! So cute you had to lie to them....

Deb said...

i'm pretty sure that stuff is just chock-full of protein.

tiarastantrums said...

ha h a- my kids love this - but only with whipped cream!

Cookie said...

I used to LOVE that cheese! I'm too afraid to buy it again. It will be too hard to stop :S

Brandy said...

To darn funny! That picture is too stinkin cute.

Simply AnonyMom said...

hehehe very cute!

Michelle said...

LOL! You are a brave woman to admit you feed your kids cheese from a can.

Lottie_Ellie said...

I think she is just cheese drunk. Happens to the best of us.

Stephanie said...

Hey -it's all about easy snacks while in the boat - looks like that's where you were. Too cute!

girlytwins said...

Yes. We only eat easy cheese while on the river. It's been a tradition since I was little. I think I thought easy cheese only existed in a boat :)

Life Happens said...

Jenny - I have today off and on a whim, turned on TLC this morning and you're on tv! Your story is amazing. Bridget

Wendy said...

We always loved it at our house too! We too took it straight from the can!

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

I must say that I have never given my kids this cheese. I also think it would be a big hit, it just never occured to me. I might have to go out and buy some just to see what they think about it. Very cute pic, I agree, she looks cheese drunk! Haha! Have a great weekend!

Shannon said...

Too funny! Looks tasty to me.

Jaime said...

Haha, funny picture. Gotta love Easy Cheese! And what's this about you being on TLC?

Debra said...

Oh I love it! We do that with whipped cream.

Josh n Betsie said...

I love that stuff. YUMMY!