Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wordful Wednesday

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us
that like to showcase a photo(s)
but that just can’t seem keep our mouths shut about it (them).

It's beginning to look a lot like....

And I couldn't be more excited about it!

Watermelon smiles, suntan lines and river trips
Oh My!!!

For more WW head on over to Angie's Circus.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Poppies

This was our third annual trip to visit the poppies
and by far the best!
They were gorgeous.
Orange fields as far as you could see.
The girls were in heaven.
They would have stayed there for hours
if we would have let them.

There are some serious framers in this batch.
My sweet girls and I.
This one makes me happy.
Ready to hit the trails.
Off and running.
My sweet beanie.
They don't smell as sweet as Beanie.
Addee and her handsome daddy.
Addee took this of us, not bad huh?
The best of friends.
If this were the road of life
they would take it just like this,
hand in hand.

Friday, May 14, 2010

4 Years

My big 4 year olds
These are the things that come to mind when I think of you two.

AddisonYou love to dance,
you love being the big (1 minute older) sister,
you are the queen of smiley faces with a squished nose,
you always eat your veggies first and ask for more,
you always want what mommy has
(high heeled shoes, new bangs, etc. )
you are very aware of sadness
and happiness when you are around it,
you are very coordinated when it comes to sports,
you still would like mommy or daddy to be in your line of sight,
you love new shoes, you love to cook,
love pointing out the letter A,
can cross the monkey bars with no help
and swing on the swings all by your self

CharlotteYou are such a comedian, you are so sensitive,
you are always singing, and making up songs,
you have started to not like things
you used to love just because you can,
you are starting to say the smartest things,
you are so sweet even to people you don't know,
you always notice when I have something new on,
you really are a tough cookie, you are becoming very independent,
you are so silly, you love all things music specially guitars,
you love having a big extended family
and like figuring out who is your family,
you want all your friends to be in your family,
you end up upside down and backwards in your bed every morning

Together you...Love all Barbie movies, adore your cousins,
love being outside, love playing in water,
have started to be scared at night in the dark,
love your soccer class, love your friends,
love having sleepovers at Grandma Diggers house,
enjoy taking pictures of people,
love to cuddle with your family,
would eat cereal every meal of the day,
don't like having your hair brushed
but love having pig tails,
would wear your yellow princess (flower girl)
dress everyday if we let you,
want to be Hannah Montana!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wordful Wednesday

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s)
but that just can’t seem keep our mouths shut about it (them).

Addison is reading to Papa from her Bible.
"And do you know what he (Noah) did Papa?
He saved all the animals"
She was very serious about her lesson.

I just heart this so much.

For more WW head on over to Angie's Circus.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommy's Day!

You can't even begin to understand how special it is to
get homemade gifts from your kids till your a mommy.

These are the BEST gifts ever!
My two sweet girls...
Followed by the gifts they made especially for me.

Happy Mother's Day to me
and all my favorite Mommy's out there!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wordful Wednesday

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can’t seem keep our mouths shut about it (them).


Good girl friends are sometimes hard to come by.
I have a few that I have had for many years
and that I cherish.
I know my girls will always have a built in best friend in each other,
but I think it's important for them to have outside friends
they can grow up with through the years.
Thankfully we have some pretty awesome friends that
have some pretty awesome kids for our girls to be friends with.
You would have to be good friends to sit this close together
on a hot summer day.
A wagon fit for two is much funner with four.

For more WW head on over to Angie's Circus.