Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

WW is for those of us that cannot just post a picture and keep quiet.

My multi-tasking stylista.

This girl is ALWAYS in my shoes.

I am amazed at how well she manages to clean and drink her juice
all the while sporting 3 inch heels a few sizes too big.

Head on over to Angie's blog for more WW.


Lyndsey said...

She is definately her mama! She knows how to work in style.. all while holding her starbucks.. or sippy cup at the same time. So adorable.

So who is your shy one and who is more adventurous? Who was smaller at birth.. and have they always seemed to be that way? (personality wise).

Raegan was smaller and has always been a little more verbal, demanding and adventurous

Nicole said...

LOL that is the difference between boys and girls for sure! Cute picture.

Stephanie said...

I have a high heel lovin' kiddo too....except HE shouldn't be prancing around in heels! See my recent FB video :)

This is so cute!!

Aunt Julie said...

What a sweet snap...thanks for sharing!

Simply AnonyMom said...

That is a terribly cute pic. Thanks for sharing

Jocasta said...

Snap - my ww is on shoes as well! I wish I could drink a coffee while vacumming! That is one big talent!

tiarastantrums said...

OMG - I missed this back then - too adorable!

Cookie said...

That looks like how I do things around in the house except my drink of choice would be rum and coke and I don't think that comes in a sippy cup!